Introducing Cindy Morris, the Priestess Entrepreneur

Just getting started as a business owner? Got a business already going that needs you to be a GREAT owner/manager?
Are you trying to manage the business of your life (who isn’t?) and it’s getting away from you?

You‘ve landed in the right place!

I’m Cindy Morris, Priestess Entrepreneur, and I am exactly the person you need to help you become
confident, empowered, and successful in all your ventures – a divinely inspired Priestess Entrepreneur.
Success is an INSIDE job and that’s where we start to guide you into becoming the entrepreneur you want to be.

The Divine Feminine is emerging right now!
You are needed to show up in your FULL feminine power.
Let me show you how to do just that.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Holding back only holds us back

Today in my NIA ( dance/exercize) class I had an epiphany, as I usually do when Laurie Pemberton is teaching. Laurie is one of my favorite teachers. She's my age (we like a lot of the same music), she's become a kundalini yoga teacher in her 50's, and she always brings some provocative thoughts to class that push me mentally beyond wherever I am at.

Laurie is preparing for a workshop she will be presenting on behavior body movement patterns later in the summer. She asked us to notice all the chatter we endlessly tell ourselves as we avoid doing certain movements. She asked us to notice where we resist movement and why.
I found this a fascinating exercise. I heard myself drag out the usual suspects that sound like a combination of the following whines:

I will look weird doing that
I'm too fat to move that part, things will jiggle too much
I'm not coordinated enough, I'll fall over and people will laugh at me
I am not strong enough to do that move
I am embarrassed to scream and grunt
I hate to sweat, it makes me look dirty
I don't want to be seen
I don't want to be judged
I can't follow the directions. I must be stupid
WOW! That's quite a line-up of negative self-talk. I exhausted myself just thinking about all the reasons I couldn't do what I was already doing!This got me thinking about the other parts of my life where I am afraid to put myself out there, for all these very same reasons. As it turns out I exhibit the exact same limitations in all parts of my life, and perhaps we all do.
I am grateful for NIA, and Laurie, and all the other wonderful movement teachers that have helped me over the years to feel more comfortable in my body. I am convinced that the more comfortable I become moving around in my body the more comfortable I become moving around the planet. I am feeling the pull to start moving in all kinds of ways and this is a very good thing.
Cindy Morris, msw
Priestess Entrepreneur
If you want to read (or listen to me narrating) more stories on being a Priestess in thess amazing time of transformation and change, check out The Priestess Chronicles at:

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