Introducing Cindy Morris, the Priestess Entrepreneur

Just getting started as a business owner? Got a business already going that needs you to be a GREAT owner/manager?
Are you trying to manage the business of your life (who isn’t?) and it’s getting away from you?

You‘ve landed in the right place!

I’m Cindy Morris, Priestess Entrepreneur, and I am exactly the person you need to help you become
confident, empowered, and successful in all your ventures – a divinely inspired Priestess Entrepreneur.
Success is an INSIDE job and that’s where we start to guide you into becoming the entrepreneur you want to be.

The Divine Feminine is emerging right now!
You are needed to show up in your FULL feminine power.
Let me show you how to do just that.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Fat Bachelor: TV imitating Life? I'm afraid so

I love to watch TV sometimes so I can see what the American culture is up to. Being a sometimes reluctant member of my own culture I figure I need to know what the collective mind is focusing on. Sadly I must report that not much has changed in our collective unconscious for eons, as evidenced by the new reality show: More to Love, or as I call it: Fat Bachelor.

The premise is that fat people need love too. The set-up is familiar and rather sick, really. One guy. 20 women all vying for his love, affection, and, the ultimate prize: being his wife. The twist in this show is that the lucky guy and all the contestants are obese.

As I watched this show so many issues got triggered I thought I would have to eat an entire tub of Haagen-dasz just to appease myself.

The most obvious, and pernicious, dynamic is the vying for a man's attention as proof of personal validation. Can anyone say "Unresolved Daddy issues"? It reminds me of an old Joan River's routine where she is talking about women in an old age home who are so desperate for a man's company that they decide even if the man is dead to bring him along and they'll prop him up.
Will the time EVER come when we, as brilliant creative female beings feel just fine without the approval of a man, where approval of ourselves is ENOUGH?

Then there's the issue of women competing with one another for what seems like a limited amount of available love. Another blatant lie perpetrated by the dark forces that, guess what, ladies, there's just not enough love around on Planet earth and if you don't find it with your one perfect partner you're doomed to a life of picking through take-out leftovers and holding endless conversations with your four-legged companions, who are clearly blind to your unlovableness.
Anothe falsehood.

And then there's the vicarious thrill of watching women "cat fight" over a man. I can see fighting over the last pair of perfect shoes on sale in just your size, but fighting over a man? Clearly a throw-back to gladiator days where enslaved beings were forced to fight one another for the pleasure and entertainment of the power elite. Mmmm, not much changed there, I'm afraid.

And why is this man so worth fighting over anyway?As my mother always said: "Men are like buses. No reason to chase one. Just wait and another one will soon come your way." And of course if you're looking for a plus-size. meat and potato-loving man, who will kiss any woman anytime, for any reason, you won't have to wait very long at all in the good old U.S. of A.

And finally. The fat thing. Fat is not an affliction like leprosy or excessive tallness. Fat is a choice.
Now I'm no Twiggy myself and I would love to see the 15 pounds hovering around my hips and thighs move on to another landing spot but I don't have any illusion as to how, and why, that fat got there. But an extra 100 or so pounds? That's more than an " I like to eat" issue. That's a deeper issue that is just not being addressed. The endless denial of our collective self-hatred. Just as painful as the women who work out so excessively that they become shadows of their former selves, setting themselves up for early osteoporosis and other health challenges.

The issue is not too fat or too thin. The issue is that our bodies become the playing field for all our feelings about ourselves. Get to the bottom of that and you get to the bottom of the eating disorders. And yes, being 100 pounds overweight is an eating disorder. Fat is not an affliction laid upon you by an evil God. Fat is what happens when you swallow your feelings and deny, to yourself, what is really going on with you. Too lonely. Too sad. Too angry. Too bored. Not enough creativity flowing. Not loving yourself enough, or at all. Looking outside yourself for approval and acceptance.

Does the list ever end? Yes. When you tell yourself the truth and decide for yourself what you want your life is to look like. If you need help and support(and who doesn't?) - get it.
The time of the Divine Feminine is here. We can no longer wait and continue to lie to ourselves.
To live in empowerment, which is our divinely given right, you have to do your own work on yourself to disentangle yourself from untruths that keep you enslaved.
You are needed in full functioning form!
Fat, skinny, whatever. Be whatever you CHOOSE to be, consciously and with awareness.
That is the Priestess way.

Check out the Priestess empowerment products lovingly created to help you be in your full empowerment. Visit my site and receive your FREE empowerment gifts.

This is an important conversation.
Let's converse about it!

Cindy Morris, msw
Priestess Entrepreneur

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